Sepatu Safety Caterpillar Compressor CT WP Clay Original

Spesifikasi :
Composite Toe (CT) Ujung terbuat dari bahan komposit, lebih ringan dari baja namun tetap kuat dan safety sesuai standard ASTM, tidak terdeteksi metal detector.
Electric Hazard ( memenuhi standar ASTM F2413-05 1/75, melindungi pemakai dari open circuit up to 600 volts dalam kondisi kering)
SRX (extreme slip resistant) (anti slip, mencegah anda ketika licin di medan extreme, melebihi standard anti slip biasa)
Waterproof (anti air agar kaki anda selalu kering)
Ergo (insole mengikuti kontur kaki anda sehingga fit, stabil, fleksibel dan nyaman dipakai)

Youre ready for the tough jobs. Can you say the same of your boots? Look to Cat Footwears promise of technology driven styles that work overtime for you. A robust style in quality leather, you can get the job done with waterproof and electrical hazard protection along with a supportive, safety toe. Full Grain Leather Waterproof Upper
Nylon Mesh Lining
Nylex Sock Liner
Poured PU Midsole
T870 Outsole
Strobel Construction

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